There is no work required at the service connections as they are not blocked by the Spray In Place lining process. The applied product sprays around the service connection and feathers up inside it without covering the opening.

Access is required at each end of each pipe to be cleaned & lined.

The pipe diameter and depth will determine this. On average for a 6” pipe the excavation would be approx. L – 8’, W – 5’.

An evaluation of the break history will determine suitability of the polymeric process. If the pipe has suffered multiple breaks in the past closer evaluation will be required to determine the mode of failure. This will determine rehabilitation feasibility and required lining thickness.

The process restores the pipe to its original carrying capacity, improves the hydraulic efficiency (C factor), eliminates red, brown or dirty water, maintains chlorine residual, seals small holes and if applied at higher thickness provides structural enhancement.

No, in order to obtain the equipment and materials you must be a certified Triton licensee thus undergoing full training and certification. The need for quality of the applied product is such that only fully trained personnel are permitted to use the system.

Triton offers contracting and application services to General contractors, municipalities and private pipe owners.